We've known Monica, or Moni as we call her, since early childhood. We went to school and played sports (soccer and softball) together. She has always been a very kind, optimistic, empathetic, and strong human being.
Almost a decade ago, Monica was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer (MBC, which is basically Stage IV cancer that has spread throughout the body) and has navigated intense treatment of this terminal illness through early motherhood. During this time, the qualities we admire in Monica only became more pronounced. She is truly remarkable.
Monica's story is one that should be shared far and wide. Not just because she is so courageous and reminds us of how precious life is--especially time with loved ones. But because she informs us of a deadly, overlooked disease that desperately needs more attention and research funding.
As explained on METAvivor Research and Support's website, "Each year, 200,000 Americans are diagnosed with breast cancer. Six to ten percent of these diagnoses are metastatic, or stage IV, and approximately another 30% of breast cancer patients develop metastatic breast cancer." Yet only 2-5% of research funding is devoted to metastatic breast cancer, the deadly form of breast cancer.
We hope you'll listen to Monica's 2-part interview, share the link with at least one person, and consider a donation to METAvivor in Monica's name. Rest assured, 100% of every METAvivor donation goes to research grants aimed at improving quality of life and longevity for MBC patients, and one day (we hope and pray that it will come very soon), finding a cure.
Thank you for joining us and spreading the word! It means so much to Monica, and to us.
Listen on Spotify or Apple Podcasts, or here on our website: